Civic Engagement

Youngest Commissioner

2024-Present    Commission for Women and Girls for the City of Long Beach, CA.  Helena was recently appointed as an inaugural member of this new and prestigious Commission in her hometown. She is the youngest Commissioner in the history of Long Beach. Gender-based inequities remain despite decades of work for gender equality, as 63% of Black women head of households are rent-burdened, while White men earn nearly two times as much as Latinas. In response to these persistent concerns, the City of Long Beach established the city’s first Commission for Women and Girls.  Envisioned by Councilwoman Renee Simon nearly 50 years ago, then sponsored by Vice Mayor Cindy Allen, and spearheaded today by lifelong activist Zoe Nicholson, the LBCWG will build partnerships with direct service providers and nonprofit organizations that will strengthen efforts to improve the quality of life for women and girls in Long Beach.  Helena was thrilled to be invited by Mayor Rex Richardson to this coveted city position as a result of her enduring commitment to   feminist work.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2023).  The power of youth voice and intersectionality.  Invited speech at the Long Beach Women’s Fair & ERA Centennial.  City Hall, Long Beach, CA, July 18, 2023.

Helena was thrilled when local feminist icon Zoe Nicholson invited her to give an  address at the 2023 Women’s Fair & ERA Centennial.  Helena has long been a feminist activist and it was an honor to be included among so many esteemed and veteran feminists in her own beloved city.

Feminist Uprising

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2023).  Minkle:  An Ode to Rage. Poetry reading for Art4Equality, Feminist Uprising.  Viento y Agua Coffeehouse, Long Beach, CA. December 14, 2023.

Helena was a featured poet and artist at a community fundraiser organized by Feminist Uprising.  She exhibited two original paintings and read her original poem titled An Ode to Rage. The event was held at a popular local coffeehouse. Helena’s first coffeehouse poetry reading was a resounding success. She was interviewed and photographed along with other local artists, musicians, and fellow poets.


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