Helena Donato-Sapp, Spirit Animal Self Portrait 2016, Marker and Tempera Paint on Paper, 12W x 12H
This is my most recent self portrait and I did it in fourth-grade when I was 9-years-old. We were to draw a self portrait with part of us being our spirit animal. I chose a deer because my Grandpa in West Virginia likes deers a lot. And I decided to do the rest of it in stained glass pieces because my Daddy loves stained glass and I thought he might like it. Before we started this project, we learned about the artists Rosa Bonheur and Romero Britto. Since both of these artist focus on animal portraits, we decided to create a self portrait and then transform ourselves into an animal. We learned about color harmonies and different types of patterns. We went through the process of creating regular and irregular patterns, outlining our selfie, painting our background, dividing our portrait into sections, and then filling each section with a different color harmony. It’s going to be in an art show this week and lots of people are going to see it.
All of these are pieces of me. They mirror me. And each piece often mirrors another famous artist. This way I can see myself reflected in the art I do and in the art throughout the ages. I become part of the great art community.
When you see my first self portrait with my last self portrait, do you think I am learning a lot? Am I growing as an artist?
For Christmas 2020, my parents had my piece of art made into an actual stained glass window! It was done by a stained glass artist named Marti Cerling who lives in North Carolina.