
“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.”

- Alice Walker, Writer and Civil Rights Activist

Youth Voice

In December last year, Helena received a grant from the Abolitionist Teaching Network as an Educator for Disability Justice. Grantees were celebrated in February. She was honored again today with this beautiful and loving spotlight. Helena is proud to join a long line of abolitionists in America!

Abolitionist Education is a teaching approach that centers on abolishing oppressive educational systems, while loving, protecting, remembering, and healing children of color and their communities.


(2022-2023).  Helena Lourdes Donato-Sapp is humbled to have been awarded a grant from the Abolitionist Teaching Network in recognition of her relentless, bold, and courageous work along with others across the nation as an Educator for Disability Justice.  

Read more… About the Abolitionist Teaching Network.  About ATN Grants for Educators.

Helena was invited to share her current work and speak on the theme of Black Resistance at the Black History Month assembly at her school. In a kind of love letter to educators and the school that she has called home for almost a decade, Helena spoke vulnerably yet fiercely about “living Resistance” everyday as a girl, a Black girl, and a person with learning disabilities, and how she empowers herself through poetry, activism, and scholarship. 

 Mentioned in the full video: 

@lwtech @lbcitylibrary @strongblackgirlsbook @the_74 @diversability @disneychannel @dosomething @chicagoartdept @teacherscollegepress @atn_1863 @spectrumnews1socal 

#genz #youthactivism #disabilityjustice #poetry #girlsinstem #changemakers #blackhistorymonth #blacklivesmatter

Youth scholar, activist, poet, and speaker Helena Donato-Sapp supports #thehumanswhofeedus project by Justice for Migrant Women www.justice4women.org

Activist Mónica Ramírez on Instagram:  “@Helena Donato-Sapp is our present and our future. She gives me so much hope and I am soo touched that she made this beautiful video to support #TheHumansWhoFeedUs. Jeff & Sino, love you so much! Thank you for joining us in LA and for bringing Helena and for raising such an incredible leader. #TheHumansWhoFeed #BornLeader #YouthActivist #Hope #ChosenFamilia”

On March 14th, 2022, Helena spoke for the Intersectional Disability Studies Speaker Series as part of the the Intersectional Disability Studies Strand of the Institute for Emancipatory Education.  Speaking on the topic of Disability Justice, Helena is the first youth speaker for the series. 

#emancipatoryed #SJSUDisabilityVisibility

View the recording here.

Donato-Sapp, H.  “Anti-Bullying PSA.”  YouTube.  9 June 2021.

One of my assignments in my 6th-grade Humanities class was to choose a social justice topic I was most passionate about and create a PSA on it.  I am most passionate about safe spaces in schools for all children because I have been the target of bullying myself.


Role Models

Learning from Legends and Leaders

Donato-Sapp, H. (2019).  Dr. Angela Y. Davis:  The Dymally Distinguished Speaker Series.  Attendee,

     California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA, Monday, February 11, 2019.

In my continuing efforts to learn more about American history, I took an afternoon off from 4th-grade to see scholar, author, and activist Dr. Angela Y. Davis speak at California State University Dominguez Hills.  Through her activism and scholarship over the last decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice.  Her work has always emphasized the importance of building communities of struggle for economic, racial, and gender justice.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  Nonviolent protest - countering hate and extremism.  Conference Attendee, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA, Saturday, February 27, 2018.

I attended my second professional conference on February 27, 2018.  Lecia Brooks was the outreach director for the Southern Poverty Law Center (and, well, also my Auntie), which uses litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy to teach and promote equity and inclusion in K-12 schools, track and monitor hate and extremist activity, and seek justice for the most vulnerable members of society.  Lecia also served as the director of the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  Feminist Majority Foundation Global Women’s Rights Awards.  Attendee, The Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts, Los Angeles, CA, Monday, May 21, 2018.

I was invited to attend the Feminist Majority Foundation Global Women’s Rights Awards ceremony to see my Auntie Monica Ramirez receive a Global Women’s Rights Award.  Monica is a civil rights attorney and co-founder of Alianza Nacional de Campesinos, which represents 700,000 farmworker women and their families working in the agricultural fields and packing sheds across the U. S.  I was introduced to some of the great women in the movement, like Adama Iwu, Maria Elena Durazo, Laura Dern, Elizabeth Nyamayaro, and Nina Shaw.  I also had a chance to meet Dolores Huerta, who I ended up doing my 3rd-grade biography project on.

From left to right clockwise (or top to bottom):  (1) The youngest feminist at the awards ceremony, (2) Me and Auntie Monica Ramirez, (3) Me and Dolores Huerta, and (4) Me working on my biography project on Dolores Huerta for 3rd-grade.

(Below) Recreating a famous picture of Dolores Huerta that was taken during the Delano Grape Boycott.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  A People’s Education Conference on Intersectional Ethnic Studies. Conference Attendee, Augustus Hawkins High School, Los Angeles, CA, Saturday, February 24, 2018.

I attended my first professional conference on February 24, 2018.  On the way home from the conference, my two dads asked me what I remembered most and I said, “You have to fight to be free.”  Below are photos of me with one of the conference organizers, Dr. Ed Curammeng, and a photo of me taking notes during the poster sessions.

Activist Art Gallery


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